Service-Life Modeling & Prediction Specifically Designed for the Middle East
With the use of its STADIUM® ME service-life modeling tool, SIMCO helps clients to accurately predict the service life of any concrete infrastructure exposed to seawater, sulfate-bearing soils and extremely hot temperatures such as those found in the Middle East.
SIMCO’s expertise in the major parameters that govern the deterioration process has led to the development of innovative infrastructure evaluation techniques, including the STADIUM® suite of service-life prediction software tools. STADIUM® ME is a specialized version of the software has been created for the unique environment in the Middle East – which factors in both local conditions and materials to provide advanced service-life modeling and prediction.
Whether you are building a new structure or maintaining an existing one, STADIUM® ME always takes into account the many factors that can lead to concrete deterioration. As a tool for developing an appropriate service-life plan, STADIUM® ME can help owners and managers to never have to worry about the quality and sustainability of their concrete infrastructure ever again.
STADIUM® ME is a powerful numerical modeling tool that helps to determine the current condition of concrete structures, to ensure compliance to service-life requirements and to better manage a portfolio of concrete assets.
With the use of its STADIUM® ME service-life modeling tool, SIMCO’s durability experts can help owners, engineers, and contractors to accurately predict the service life of any concrete infrastructure exposed to seawater, sulfate-bearing soils and extremely hot temperatures such as those found in the Middle East.
The STADIUM® technology is patented and extensively validated – offering a comprehensive and flexible analysis of the durability of reinforced concrete elements. STADIUM® considers the physical and chemical phenomena that have a strong influence on concrete’s long-term performance and overall service life.
STADIUM® software features databases of structural elements, concrete mixture properties, exposure conditions, and standards, help in making the most informed decisions for the optimal management of concrete infrastructure.
The STADIUM® approach and methodology helps owners to achieve substantial return on investment by reducing total construction costs, and avoiding unnecessary inspections, maintenance and repairs.
The U.S. Department of Defense recognizes STADIUM® as the only numerical modeling method for predicting the service life of new marine concrete structures, under the Unified Facilities Guide Specifications UFGS-03 31 29.

STADIUM® ME for Existing Structures

STADIUM® ME is a reliable and important strategic tool designed to help owners and managers of concrete infrastructure to identify and assess concrete degradation over time and within stringent maintenance, repair and rehabilitation budgets. This predictive modeling tool integrates technical, economical, and environmental factors in order to make the most informed decisions about the management of assets that are based on life-cycle cost/benefit analyses.
Following an on-site inspection and the analysis of concrete core specimens, SIMCO’s durability engineers use STADIUM® ME to accurately predict the service life of a structure and its many elements.
Rehabilitation scenarios can then be run to determine which option will provide the best and most cost-effective results.
STADIUM® ME is also used for quality control and quality assurance during repair and rehabilitation work.
Contact one of our durability experts today to learn more about how you can effectively manage the service life of your concrete infrastructure
STADIUM® ME for New Construction

STADIUM® ME is a unique leading-edge technology, and currently the most efficient and accurate tool worldwide for predicting the short- and long-term behavior and service life of concrete infrastructure.
At the very onset of a development project, STADIUM® ME can help to determine the expected service life of any new structure, based on concrete composition and environmental factors. SIMCO’s STADIUM® ME methodology can also provide invaluable input to design teams regarding the selection of materials and design mixtures to ensure that service-life requirements are met with minimal maintenance interventions and lower life-cycle costs.
Throughout the entire construction process, STADIUM® ME is used during the quality control process to validate that concrete mixtures are in complete compliance to durability and service-life specifications.